Friday, November 19, 2004

Intolerant Liberals

This excerpt from Neal Boortz sums
things up fairly well:

The latest example of this comes to us courtesy of some radio
guy in Madison, Wisconsin named John Sylvester. On the air Wednesday, he
called Dr. Rice "Aunt Jemima" (after the black woman on the pancake mix box)
and Colin Powell an "Uncle Tom." His reasoning? "I was aiming that
directly at a black person that is letting himself (and herself) be used by
an administration that has been extremely hostile to minorities." Oh
really? What could he possibly be talking about? How has George Bush been
the least bit hostile to minorities? By being the first to appoint them to
high offices?

The march of tolerance for the Left: We are tolerant - but only with people
who agree with us and share our socialist progressive world view.

Prove me wrong


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