Evolution of media bias
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the liberal bias in MSM (Mainstream Media) is not that it's there (we all knew that years ago) but how little anybody's even trying to disguise it anymore. Of course people like Dan Rather will never admit to any bias, but at the same time there isn't even a veiled attempt anymore to make the so called reporting seem otherwise. How can this be?
My guess is, they know the game is up...they know they're exposed as the lying frauds they are. But they also know that there are still people in the world who have never heard of things like the internet, independent thought, research, etc. who, without exception get all their information from MSM, some don't even watch/listen to more than one source. I had a friend awhile back who used only Newsweek for her information. Read this and tell me it's unbiased. If you can do that, go ahead and tell me why it's unbiased (or even true) with examples and independently confirmable facts. Any takers?
I just found this site now, and I have to say it's pathetic (from the MSM bullcrap to Durbin censures). First of all, the Weekly Standard's own WILLIAM KRISTOL has said all along that the "liberal media bias" is FALSE, and was used to "disguise" conservatives' own weak voices years ago. Now the right-wing "echo chamber" has so much power in politics today, any notion of liberal media bias is a JOKE. Your example from NEWSWEEK is a JOKE (it was a "web exclusive COMMENTARY" for God's sake!). Get a clue and get a life!
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