Tuesday, November 23, 2004

We will not surrender

On November 2nd, the people of this great country spoke to the world. We told them very clearly, "We are going to do what is right in defending freedom across the world, we don't care what you think about it."

There is no surer proof of the righteousness of this greatest nation on God's green earth than that we are so desperately hated by the corrupt and bloodthirsty nations of the world. Tolerance is an important part of a peaceful society, but it cannot be the foundation of it. Only strong and solid principles of right and truth, of moral and intellectual clarity, and a desire by all to do what is best, not for themselves, but for others.

"Ask not what your country can do for you -- Ask what you can do for your country" (John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961)

Friday, November 19, 2004

Intolerant Liberals

This excerpt from Neal Boortz sums
things up fairly well:

The latest example of this comes to us courtesy of some radio
guy in Madison, Wisconsin named John Sylvester. On the air Wednesday, he
called Dr. Rice "Aunt Jemima" (after the black woman on the pancake mix box)
and Colin Powell an "Uncle Tom." His reasoning? "I was aiming that
directly at a black person that is letting himself (and herself) be used by
an administration that has been extremely hostile to minorities." Oh
really? What could he possibly be talking about? How has George Bush been
the least bit hostile to minorities? By being the first to appoint them to
high offices?

The march of tolerance for the Left: We are tolerant - but only with people
who agree with us and share our socialist progressive world view.

Prove me wrong

United Nations Embraces anti-semitism

The U.N. announced recently that Jews are the cause of anti-semitism. Anti-Semitism is on the rise especially in Europe. It’s always existed but it’s coming out of the closet again just as it did in Germany during the 1930’s. It’s interesting now that the U.N. has now blamed the Jews for the actions of the rest of the world against them.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Another interesting reference on Powerline today about Islamic thocracy. Here's the full text with a link to the original article in Iran Press News:

Reader Janet Nilson pointed out this appalling story, complete with a photo, about a fourteen year old Iranian boy who was sentenced by a clerical court to receive 85 lashes for breaking his fast during Ramadan. (I assume this means eating between sunrise and sundown.) The sentence was carried out, and the boy died. The only hopeful note in the article is that townspeople where the boy lived were so outraged that they stormed the cemetery when he was scheduled to be buried, and the burial had to be deferred and carried out under guard.

Keep this story in mind next time you hear a liberal referring to the "Taliban wing" of the Republican party, or arguing that Christian "fundamentalists" in America are comparable to Islamic "fundamentalists" in the Middle East, or suggesting that the Bush administration is trying to establish a "theocracy."

Power Line: "No Jana, you cannot stop me as those Marines are protecting me..."

A little something about the journalist who shot the video of the previously mentioned marine. And some responses on his blog. Interesting. Check the facts out for yourself, as there are a few references to the Koran listed.

Power Line: "No Jana, you cannot stop me as those Marines are protecting me..."

A tale of a Marine

It's been all over the news the last few days about the marine who shot a wounded terrorist. How many people know the rest of the story? Who bothers to uncover the truth about what happened?

Powerline blog shares with us a letter from a Marine in the 11th MEU

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Power Line: Sarin in Fallujah?

Hmm...could these be the WMD's that Iraq "didn't" have? if not, then what are they? and what's with the Russian and German writing on it? You really think we shoud have listened to what Germany had to say before the war? You do know that Russia, France and Germany had been recieving huge payoffs in the form of oil and even cold hard cash from Saddam Hussein, don't you?

Power Line: Sarin in Fallujah?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Time to get back to business

I've taken some time off from blogging (as if I spent much time in the first place) since the election, but I hope to be back up and posting regularly again. Particularly as the general political stress level in the country continues to rise. I'll probably also be broadening my topics of discussion slightly.

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