Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Baby Boomer Generation... The root

The reason the baby boomer generation is so spoiled... the baby boom generation itself tends to come from people who just recently endured both the Great Depression and World War 2.

Wouldn't it stand to reason that during the following years, from about 1947 on, that those who had experienced those terrible things would have realized that the source of happiness in the world lies in family life? This explains two things... one being how very much family and socially centered society was in the 50's, as a direct response to the horror of the previous 20 years. The parents raising children in this time would have gone to great lengths to make sure their kids never went through what they did...

But the push was too hard, too far... the spring was pulled too far by the depression/war, now the oscillation went the other way, too far... to the point of TV ads where, "Remember, the woman's place is in the home and dinner should be on by 5" (this could also be a direct backlash from the very necessary period during the war when all the men were off fighting, so the women manned the factories and shipyards).

This gave children two things... an overly protected, idealized childhood, encouraged by a society that, fresh out of war, was rightly determined to do their own personal part to give their children a peaceful life.

Second, by going too far in advertising and pushing family ideals, this paved the way for a NEW backlash, this time going the other way. The modern women's movement being one product (of many).

Except instead of going away or scaling back when it's perfectly good and respectable goals were accomplished, it unleashed, combined with the pampered, self-absorbed generation who never knew sacrifice or true evil in the world, an irresponsible fury that we now see manifest in the modern race, gender and sexuality "leaders" (Think Maureen Dowd, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson)


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