Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Anger and taxation

All you hear anymore from the left is how "Angry" and "Outraged" they are at this or that in the government. It almost doesn't matter what it is, from not enough taxes on the hated rich, to a car accident some republican was in 20 years ago, to the whole Rove/Libby/Plame affair, to disaster response...And then in the same breath we hear that the government is running out of money, that there's a huge deficit and the way to fix it is to give the government more money. I ask this: If the government is so corrupt, so evil, so imperialist, so fascist (not my words), then why do liberals constantly lobby to transfer more and more and more of our hard earned money to them? Seems like the people should hold the government accountable for waste by not giving them any more until they've learned to use what they have. Instead it's more like, "Oh, the bucket is full of holes, we need to put more water into it faster to keep it from drying up" While any attempt to fix the holes is denounced as "Racist! Fascist! Bigot! You Hate the Poor! That Bucket has every RIGHT to be full of holes! HOW DARE YOU IMPOSE YOUR VALUES ON THE BUCKET!"


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