Monday, June 27, 2005

Good news from Iraq: Part 30

Yes, that's right, good news... Chrenkoff reports

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Enemies of today vs yesterday

MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction.

This was the overriding principle that governed actions and military buildup during the Cold War era. The idea that if either side attacked the other directly, there would still be enough time to launch a full spread of thermonuclear tipped missiles in response, thus ensuring that it would be impossible for anybody to "win" the war.

The war on Terror isn't the cold war.

There are a number of fundamental differences. The only thing that hasn't changed is that our enemy hates us for who we are and the freedom we enjoy here in this great country. One big difference between the Soviet Union and the terrorist networks we face today is that fundamentally, the terrorists do not value life on any scale, and are not deterred by threat of force. While much of the rethoric is the same "you drop your gun first" the evil we face today cannot be trusted to act in their own self-interest, such is the fury of blind hatred and a wish for nothing short of total annihilation of everything we as Americans value, and will view negotiations and appeasement only as weakness and an invitation to attack more furiously than the last time.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sorta off topic, but this is just too cool

The folks over at Spark Fun Electronics have made an old-fashioned, rotary cell phone...go check it out

MAKE: Blog: Portable Rotary Phone - pre-review

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Whaddya mean Artists are nuts?

Look no farther...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The constitution says what?

BlogMeister USA: Daily Kos: Gitmo a Violation of US Constitution

A refutation of charges that our soldiers are violating our constitution. worth reading

Saturday, June 18, 2005

pack of women

Anyone who underestimates women tends to get the short end of the this guy wh learned the hard way, "Never rob a beauty college"

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Left doesn't really care about torture

If they did, they'd be praising the United States as the liberator of 50 million people and condemning the murderous thugs in Africa and the middle east who make a living out of making others' lives' hell.

Quran desecration crock a win for Jihad spin docs: "go ahead, close Gitmo and wait for the rave reviews from the media -- right after the complaints that it's culturally insensitive to rebuild the World Trade Center when it's the burial site of 10 revered Muslim martyrs."

People like this don't deserve to have children

Mother shut boy in basement to protect him from pit bull / 12-year-old was killed by family dog; owner sees loss as tragic accident but defends breed as making good pets

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Mitt Romney -- Serious contender?

I was listening to Hugh Hewitt yesterday and he mentioned this weekly standard article which raises the question, "Could Mitt Romney, an extremely successful republican governer, with a solid history of moral character, amazing leadership qualities, and above average fiscal management ability be elected President of the United States even though he is LDS?"

Political Fan weighs in on the subject with this conclusion:
I admire Chuck Colson and believe that he sees in Mitt Romney what many see in President Bush. He sees a man of faith who has character and is a social conservative on most of the issues that are important to evangelicals. I believe that many evangelicals will choose a candidate on the basis of character and social agenda. Too many people now know that the social war rages on and to eliminate a well-qualified candidate on the basis of some small theological issue that will never be an issue as president, is a self-inflicted wound.

Especially important to America's next president will be economic and tax policy. This country under the current president has gone into a fast downward spiral as spending rises out of control leaving us with a huge budget deficit. I won't say it's the largest ever because while I can't any hard figures at the moment, I know it isn't, particularly when adjusted for inflation. Does anyone know what the exact figures are? In any case, Romney has proven himself in two instances that I'm going to mention here:

Romney took charge of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, turning a disaster into a smashing success. From Terry Eastland's column,
In 1999 the event already was $379 million in debt, and there were allegations of bribery involving top officials. Romney was asked to head up the games. Under his leadership, they turned into a spectacular success, clearing a profit of $100 million.

After this was accomplished, Romney ran for (and was elected) governer of Massachusetts, which anyone knows is one of THE MOST liberal, democratic states in the union. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, #1 and #2 liberal senators have both been re-elected to their senate seats in that state for several elections running. And yet Romney's superior leadership and unconquerable financial discipline made possible his republican administration there.

Some republicans or evangelicals might balk at statements that Romney is pro-choice. It's not that simple...Romney is a social conservative on every issue. He belives that abortion should be "safe, legal and [most importantly] rare" It is irresponsible to say in black and white terms that abortion is right or wrong. I would ask those people, have they ever told an 11-year old victim of sexual assault that she must carry her baby to term? But this is beside the point. Romney is NOT pro-choice in the traditional sense of the word. He is pro-life and pro-family.

Get those firewalls up to date!!!

New virus on the loose with very dangerous implications. All would be well advised to take this seriously and make sure you are using top-grade firewall and anti-virus software.

Pay up or the PC gets it

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