Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Smoldering Constitution: Part 1

Anyone with their eyes open knows there is a disturbing trend in politics and in the social tides these days. This trend is the destruction of our God-given constitution. The ways in which this is happening are as numerous as the people working daily to destroy our great nation, or, those things that make it what it is.

Near the top of the list is the destruction of the family. Forces are at work to destroy this most sacred and basic unit of society, which has been the foundation of society since recorded time. Just a few ways this is happening are:

1. Attacking the institution of marriage on every front. From drive-thru wedding chapels and divorce courts, to television and movies portraying marriage as old-fashioned and inconvenient, to general disregard for the importance of marital fidelity.
2. Poisoning families with pornograpy addiction and alcoholism, destroying the peace and comfort in family relationships.
3. Advocation of sex without responsibility, mocking the tremendous power by which life is created and paving the way for ever decreasing respect for life and womanhood.
4. The homosexual agenda is one of contempt and disregard for everything the family represents, both for the individual and for society. Replacing responsibility for others and constructive relationships with selfish pleasure and total disregard for the rights and best interests of others.

Why is this related to the constitution? Because when the family fails, so too, does the nation. When that happens, there is nothing to stop those forces of raw evil from destroying that framework which was intended to serve and protect the rights of the people of this great country from tyranny and enslavement.


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