Monday, March 21, 2005

VDH's Private Papers::"Little Eichmanns" and "Digital Brownshirts"

VDH's Private Papers::"Little Eichmanns" and "Digital Brownshirts"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Campaign Finance Reform -- the Anti-democracy

The McCain-Feingold act, one of the more recent and powerful campaign finance reform laws, has had severely negative effects on the democratic process of our country. In a true government of the people, by the people and for the people. The people should be able to elect whomever they choose, right? After all, the purpose of a representative democratic republic is to make the voice of the people heard, and to build a government that understands and responds to the will of the people. It goes without saying that the very foundation of that power, and that responsibility is the vote. The right to vote is what gives our government it's authority.

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