Friday, February 25, 2005

Feminists Get Hysterical by Heather Mac Donald

Feminists Get Hysterical by Heather Mac Donald

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Ann Coulter: Republicans, bloggers and gays, oh my!

Ann Coulter: Republicans, bloggers and gays, oh my!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Instructing potential terrorists

Some new stuff has just come to light in the form of new audio tapes. Read the following, then I'll tell you who said it.

Here's the question in reference to 9/11: "You mentioned a little bit ago, 'why did it take a bunch of Arabs to do what you should have done a long time ago?' that's my question. As a white man standing in your midst...I'd like you to respond to, why shouldn't we do something and how could we move so they don't see us coming?"

Here's the response:
Why shouldn't we do something? and how do you move so they don't see you coming? Okay. As to the first part, not a reason in the world that I can see. I can't find find a single reason that you shouldn't in a principled way. There may be some practical considerations such as, "do you know how?" You know. Often these things are processes, it's not just an impulse. And certainly it's not just an event. And the simple answer, although it probably should be more complicated but I'm not being flip and giving the simple answer is: You carry the weapon. That's how they don't see it coming. You're the one. [mumbling] They talk about color blind, they're blind to your color. You said it yourself. Okay? You don't send the black liberation army into Wall Street to conduct an action. You don't send the American Indian movement into downtown Seattle to conduct an action. Who do you send? You. With your beard shaved, your hair cut close and wearing a banker's suit. There's probably a whole lot more to it. You know that. But there's where you start.

Okay, who said that?

Answer: Ward Churchill spoke these words, speaking to a group of Americans at the Left Bank Book Store in Seattle on August 10, 2003

Go here to listen to the audio clips. These guys have been all over Churchill since the beginning and they also have numerous other clips of Churchill saying some truely outrageous things.

Can there be anybody who claims that incitement to terrorist "actions" can be covered under the umbrella of academic freedom? I'll defend to the death Mr Churchill's right to believe what he will, but god forbid if someone were to ACT on what he said! Not only does he tell this young man that he should "do something" clearly refering to acts of violence similar to 9/11, he gives him specific instructions on how to do it. This man needs to answer for his words. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences of those words.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

TCS: Tech Central Station - Ego, Testosterone, and the Academy: Why the Controversy Over Larry Summers is Important

TCS: Tech Central Station - Ego, Testosterone, and the Academy: Why the Controversy Over Larry Summers is Important

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