Adopt a Soldier: they like mail
My Soldier Program Home page looks like a cool little service where you can sign up and send letters to soldiers serving abroad to show them some support and kindness.
Slightly conservative independent commentary and discussion for all subjects, Political, Social, economic, or just plain old life. Please contribute, but vulgar or obscene comments will be deleted, so keep it clean. Updates are sporatic, but when I do update, it's usually several times in a given day. So if you don't see anything for awhile, keep coming back.
My Soldier Program Home page looks like a cool little service where you can sign up and send letters to soldiers serving abroad to show them some support and kindness.
Johnathan Rauch in the new Atlantic (paid subscription required) concludes his piece with the following paragraph:
On balance it is probably healthier if religious conservatives are inside the political system than if they operate as insurgents and provocateurs on the outside. Better they should write anti-abortion planks into the Republican platform than bomb abortion clinics. The same is true of the left. The clashes over civil rights and Vietnam turned into street warfare partly because activists were locked out of their own party establishments and had to fight, literally, to be heard. When Michael Moore receives a hero’s welcome at the Democratic National Convention, we moderates grumble; but if the parties engage fierce activists while marginalizing tame centrists, that is probably better for the social peace than the other way around.It is interesting to contrast intended messages versus actual communication, because some of the implied messages in this paragraph when viewed alone include comparison of religious conservatives to extremists like Michael Moore specifically. While the comparison is not direct, it can be infered.
I just can't imagine what would have happened to this country if today's democrats were around during the civil war. John Kerry might have said something like this about Abraham Lincoln with few intentions other than to draw attention and stand in the way. This piece is particularly haunting both because of how well it fits the character of John Kerry, yet it fits so well with the time it represents.
In my ceaseless efforts to discover how liberals think, I have a great advantage: I live in Manhattan, where everybody is liberal, so opportunities for fieldwork are boundless. Over the holidays, I discovered that a relatively new argument about terror is becoming popular: the next terrorist attack on America, if it comes, will likely be minor and tolerable. I was assured that a dirty bomb is the most likely weapon, and that it would probably do no more damage than an industrial accident. So not to worry. The real problems are fear, panic and violations of civil liberties--not terror. We had a fair amount of fear-is-the-real-enemy rhetoric during the presidential campaign, combined with almost airy dismissals of the terrorist threat here.Read the whole column if you have time.
Dennis Prager had the author of Do-Gooders on his show today. This sounds like a very good book, as it explains why liberal social programs really do more damage than they fix.
Jerry Springer (A self proclaimed liberal democrat) has joined talk radio in Cincinnati. With yet another psychotic, incoherent rambling spokesman for the Democratic party, their fall from relevance will only continue. With voices like Springer, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Michael Moore, they must retreat or end up as insignificant as the green party.
Powerlineblog Saturday makes an interesting point about people protesting President Bush's inauguration, and asks the question, what's the point?
I feel sorry for liberals. How does it feel to be consistently wrong, and wrong about it? It must be terribly frustrating, no matter how much you hate conservatives, they just won't agree with you?