Monday, October 04, 2004

If there is a moral authority

Here's a link to John Hall's post over at a brand new blog. This guy has some good points. However, there's more to the story. If a broader perspective is taken, particularly with the "opposing liberal intolerance" article I linked to previously, we can combine the two relatively distant topics when a little creative analysis of history is applied. History, the ancient kind.

In ancient culture, the way a father passed on his holdings was the principle of birthright. The birthright traditionally went to the eldest son, and he recieved a double portion of the inheritance. For instance, if a man had four sons, his property and holdings would be divided into five equal parts, the birthright son recieving two fifths, the other sons each recieving one fifth. Unfair? You bet. But wait, there's more to the story. In that culture the birthright son had the responsibility of caring for his younger brothers' families in the event that something happened to them.

"Wait, you mean there's a greater responsibility and commitment that goes along with the greater gift?" Yes, that's exactly right. The Americas, and more specifically the United states are refered to as a promised land. When you really stop to think about it, it's true. We do live in the greatest nation on the planet, we enjoy the blessings of freedom (a concept most people don't have any clue what is really all about), we prosper economically, and countless other blessings. We are the earth's birthright nation, with a double portion. It is for this reason that we have always shouldered the bulk of the burden over the last century defending the world from itself. Where much is given much is required. We have the responsibility to USE our wealth and knowledge to keep the forces that threaten to tear the world to shreds in check. We cannot eliminate them, but we can restrain them. And we must continue. For if not, the precious freedoms we do now enjoy and take for granted will be taken from us, and the world will be plunged into darkness and corruption.


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